This is a video i created to persuade others to stop racism.
Please turn up your volume. thanks.
This is how you can stop racism! It all begins with you.
1)Stand up and speak up when you see something unfair been done!
eg: object to any racism jokes.
2)You yourself should not practice racism. Set the example yourself!
3)Make friends with those of other races!This will show others that it is actually okay to make friends of other race and encourage the stop of racist.
4)Spread the message to stop racism to your friends and families! - it all begins with you! Before long, this message would be spread far and wide. Stopping racism is a group effort and it requires everyone's cooperation.
5)Join other celebrations, events or cross culture activities that is different from you. This will allow you to develop a better understanding towards other race and thus removing and misunderstanding and prejudice against others.
I hope that by educating you, this cycle of discrimination can be broken.
i would like to end off with a quote "Do onto others as others would do onto you"
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