Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Are we so diffirent ?

Do you often think that the blacks are always standing on a lower economic standing ? Are blacks really inferior ? NO! They are just like any others. there are many blacks who are very talented. Can you think of some ? I believe you can easily think of some. For example, President Obama, Tiger Woods, Martin Luther King Jr or Will Smith. Did their color make them any inferior to anyone. No. They can just be as capable anybody.

Race, it is something our society have created, to a biologist, skin color is merely a human characteristic, due to a small portion in the DNA. Nature does not form groups and put people of the same skin color together, it is the people who gives such label. Why should we not treat blacks equally when in the end, they are the same as you on the inside ?

This creation called race, has foster inequality for centuries, however,it is something that can be changed, it is one's mindset on how we view others. I beg of you to reexamine your thoughts about race. It may not be easy, but it can be done.

While there are differences among us, we are also very much alike. We may have different culture and different race, we share one common thing. Earth. So why can't we live in peace and harmony ? We should stop racism, and we can stop racism! You have a role too!

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